Wednesday, June 08, 2005

US defense spending half of world total: Swedish report

Xinhua - English: " STOCKHOLM, June 7 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States' defense expenditure in 2004 accounted for almost half of the global total and exceeded the 32 next most powerful nations combined, a prominent Swedish think tank said Tuesday."


At 4:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the reasons why the US is no longer the most technologically advanced country in the world is because much more of our R&D funds and efforts were diverted for military causes. Military R&D can and has spun off neat and new technologies for everyday use, but it would be faster and more efficient if those resources went straight into civilian R&D projects for civilian causes instead. This is why Europe and Japan surpassed the US - they weren't burdened with a huge military to support.

The US military has gotten so large and powerful, the only way to defeat it would be for it to let it implode on itself by more and more burdenful military spending! The Soviets themselves had first hand experience with that.


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